Vaginal Rejuvenation with Forma V, Votiva by In Mode FAQ

A woman laying down with her eyes closed.

We don’t talk about it often, but many women share the same feminine health concerns.

How do I know if I am a good candidate for Forma V Vaginal Rejuvenation?
There can be many underlying causes for your vaginal health concerns. The two leading causes of changes in vaginal health are hormonal fluctuations and childbirth. Hormonal changes associated with aging often lead to physical side effects, such as a thinning of vaginal tissue, vaginal dryness, and decreased sexual activity. Childbirth can also affect vaginal health, as the tissues and muscles of the vagina stretch during childbirth, which can also cause a loss of sensation and a dropping in the pelvic wall. These causes of vaginal health concerns are common to women at any point in life. Votiva by InMode?

Symptoms like vaginal dryness, urinary incontinence, loss of vaginal tone, and pain with intercourse are all common concerns that can be addressed with Forma V Vaginal Rejuvenation, Votiva by InMode, and women of every age can benefit.

After childbirth and menopause, many women experience a change in vaginal tone, which can lead to stress incontinence and decreased sensation during intercourse; there can also be an alteration in the shape and size of the labia. Similarly, with menopause, some changes can occur to the vaginal tissue; vaginal dryness is a primary concern for many peri-menopausal and post-menopausal women.

Forma V Vaginal Rejuvenation, with Votiva by InMode, is highly versatile in treating various conditions and is valuable for women in every stage of life.

Our skilled female physician will meet with you before treatment and discuss your specific concerns to create a personalized treatment plan that you feel great about.

This quick, painless treatment will help you restore your confidence. The vaginal tone is affected by childbirth and aging, and this change in tone can alter the bladder’s function. Stress urinary incontinence is prevalent. Forma V Vaginal Rejuvenation, with Votiva by InMode, works to regenerate this tissue and strengthen the existing structures offering internal support.

Benefits of the treatment:

  • Increases vaginal sensitivity
  • Tightening of the vaginal vault: Restores vaginal strength and tone, such as in the Kegel muscles
  • Increased lubrication: Improves vaginal dryness atrophy
  • Reduces stress urinary incontinence
  • Reduces vaginal pain
  • Improves the external appearance: improvement of labial laxity
  • Improves sexual interest and pleasure

How can non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation improve my sexual experience and overall health?
When you feel confident about yourself, it affects every aspect of your health. Intercourse can be painful when the vaginal tissue is dry. With three simple non-surgical treatments, you can see a dramatic improvement in the appearance of your vulvovaginal area, and functional issues like dryness and laxity can be improved.

I have had issues with vaginal dryness for years, can Forma V Vaginal Rejuvenation with Votiva by InMode help with this?
Yes! Forma V Vaginal Rejuvenation targets the tissue responsible for creating lubrication in the vaginal area.

When will I see the results of my Forma V Vaginal Rejuvenation treatments, and how long will the results last?
Patients report immediate changes; even after one 15-minute treatment session, you can experience the benefits of Forma V Vaginal Rejuvenation. Most women benefit from three sessions spaced 4-6 weeks apart. Your results are best maintained with yearly or semi-annual maintenance treatments.

Are the treatments painful? What do I need to do to prepare for the treatments?
Good news:
Forma V Vaginal Rejuvenation with Votiva by InMode is painless! You can feel a warming sensation during each Forma V Vaginal Rejuvenation session. Women should not be on their menstrual cycle, and hair will need to be removed from the treatment area.

How long does the treatment take? Is there any downtime associated with being treated?
Depending on the areas being treated, the sessions last 30 minutes. There is minimal downtime associated with Forma V Vaginal Rejuvenation. We will ask you to abstain from intercourse for 72 hours and avoid hot tubs, pools, and bathtubs for three days following your treatment.

I may want to have more children. Can I still have Forma V Vaginal Rejuvenation with Votiva by InMode treatments?

Our team is excited to meet with you and discuss your goals, and we will create a unique treatment regimen for your specific concerns and lifestyle! Forma V Vaginal Rejuvenation is for women of all ages and stages of life. Women who have never been pregnant or had multiple children can all be candidates for Forma V Vaginal Rejuvenation with Votiva by InMode.

How Many Sessions Will I Need?
Most patients need three to five consecutive treatment sessions to achieve the desired results. The number of treatment sessions you need will depend on your exact needs and the degree of your feminine health concerns. For example, if your concerns include mild external laxity, you may only need one or two sessions. If you have concerns about internal laxity or atrophy, you may need three or four sessions. We will help you determine how many sessions you need to achieve your desired results.

Is Forma V Vaginal Rejuvenation with Votiva by InMode Safe?
The FDA approved this treatment for vaginal rejuvenation, which includes treating stress urinary incontinence, vaginal laxity, and decreased sexual sensitivity. This treatment is unique because it is a safe alternative to surgical vaginal rejuvenation techniques, such as labiaplasty. Treatments cleared by the FDA undergo rigorous clinical trials and testing to determine the efficacy of the treatments. Our staff will be glad to go over any health and safety questions you may have.

What Causes Vaginal Health Concerns?
There can be many underlying causes for your vaginal health concerns. The two main causes of changes in vaginal health are hormonal fluctuations and childbirth. Hormonal changes associated with aging often lead to physical side effects, such as a thinning of vaginal tissue, vaginal dryness, and decreased sexual activity. Childbirth can also affect vaginal health, as the tissues and muscles of the vagina stretch during childbirth, which can also cause a loss of sensation and a dropping in the pelvic wall. These causes of vaginal health concerns are common to women at any point in life.

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