Doctors 3

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Smiling male doctor in white coat.

Dr. Jason Roy


MBBS, M.D of Medicine
Smiling doctor wearing a white coat.

Dr. Nadim Kamal

Associate Eye

MBBS, M.D of Medicine
Smiling female doctor in scrubs with stethoscope.

Dr. Zinia Zara


MBBS, M.D of Medicine
Smiling doctor holding a clipboard.

Dr.Zinia Zara

Associate Eye

MBBS, M.D of Medicine
Woman in white coat using medical equipment.

Dr. Nadim Kamal

MBBS, M.D of Medicine

BDS, FCPS (Hons), PhD (Japan)
Smiling doctor using an ophthalmoscope.

Dr. Mark Willy


BDS, FCPS (Hons), PhD
Smiling male doctor in white coat.

Dr. Tina Rahman

MBBS, M.D of Medicine

BDS, FCPS (Hons), PhD
Smiling female doctor in scrubs with stethoscope.

Dr. Maria


BDS, FCPS (Hons), PhD (Japan)
Smiling doctor holding a clipboard.

Dr. Jason Roy


BDS, FCPS (Hons), PhD (Japan)
Smiling doctor wearing a white coat.

Dr. Johora Roy


BDS, FCPS (Hons), PhD (Japan)
Smiling female nurse holding a clipboard.

Dr. Steven Roy


MBBS, M.D of Medicine
Woman in white coat using medical equipment.

Dr. Rihana Roy


MBBS, M.D of Medicine

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